
Teacher's guide

MESSAGE TO TEACHERS “We all have the duty to call attention to the science and seriousness of early childhood cognitive development—because the [years] between birth and age five are the foundation upon which successful lives are built.” Creating a Learning Environment for Young Children Effective preschool classrooms are places where children feel well cared for and safe. They are places where children are valued as individuals and where their need for attention, approval, and affection are supported. They are also places where children can be helped to acquire a strong foundation in the knowledge and skills needed for school success. ·         Young children need teachers who welcome all children to their classrooms, including children from various cultures, children whose first language is not English, and children who have disabilities. ·         Young children need teachers who take time to work with them individually, in small grou

Parent's suggestion

Positive Guidance: A Guide for Parents   We believe young children are innately valuable, deserving of our kindness and respect. We understand that they are still developing emotionally and socially. They have limited life experience and language skills, and they need our guidance. Just as we teach children academic concepts, such as pre-reading, math, and science, we guide children’s social and emotional development through mentoring, example, and direct teaching. Our  Caring Matters  curriculum provides teachers with a wealth of information on positive guidance and social-emotional development. In this short guide, you’ll learn more about positive guidance at Bright Horizons. You’ll also learn new ideas to use at home. Positive Guidance in the Classroom We believe that the foundations for all healthy social-emotional development in the classroom include: ·          Nurturing, trusting relationships ·          A safe, peaceful environment ·          Effect

Practice time !!!

Hey friend …                     1.Let us PRACTICE some                    ALPHABETS      2.Now it’s time to learn.........                          Numbers!!           

Rhymes and Bedtime stories

Here are some rhymes for you!!!       ALPHABET RHYMES 😃😄                                               NUMBER RHYMES                                                                             MORE   RHYMES                                                                                                                                                                  n                                                                            MORAL STORIES And BED TIME STORIES